Saturday, May 6, 2017

Ezekiel/Ezequiel 3:23

As I lounged on the couch reading a book, I heard His voice say "What does Ezekiel 3:23 say?', yes I can audibly hear the voice of our Lord and so can you if you listen. With curiosity I asked myself "What does Ezekiel 3:23 say?". Having my phone nearby I went to my bible app and read: 23-So I rose and went out into the plain, and behold, the glory of the Lord stood there, like the glory which I saw by the River Chebar; and I fell on my face.
The Spirit stirred within me and prompted me to keep reading: 24-Then the Spirit entered me and said set me on my feet, and spoke with me and said to me: "Go, shut yourself inside your house. 25-"And you, O son of man, surely they will put ropes on you  and bind you with them, so that you cannot go out among them. 26-"I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be mute and not be one to rebuke them, for they are a rebellious house. 27-"But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them, "Thus says the Lord God." He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house. 

I didn't understand what the Lord was trying to tell me at first but after speaking with a trusted elder, I was able to understand that all the pieces the Lord has been giving me are coming together. The message that I keep repeating over and over is that: It is time to do what God has created you to do, if He has been speaking the same message to your life over and over again; then now is the time to listen and work. It's time to get in sync with the will of God. I implore you to get it together, take a leap of faith and begin to work on what God asked you to do! Get familiar and accustomed to His voice because a time of silence will come and if you don't know His voice, you will be wrapped in the deception that is coming to the church.

To you reader I pray for the Spirit of the Lord be revealed to you, that repentance and conviction pour out of your heart. That once and for all you are filled with the joy of the Lord to flourish into what God created you to be. GBU!


Mientras descansaba en el sofa leyendo un libro, oi Su voce decir "¿Que dice Ezequiel 3:23?", si puedo adiblemente oir la voce de mi Señor y tu tambien puedes oirle si le permites. Con curiosidad me pregunte "¿Que dice Ezequiel 3:23?". Teniendo mi celular cerca fui a mi applicacion de la biblia y lei: 23-Y me levante y sali al campo; y he aqui que alli estaba la gloria de Jehova, como la gloria que habia visto junto al rio Quebar; y me postre sobre mi rostro. El Espiritu me conmovio a continuar leyendo: 24- Entonces entro el Espiritu en mi y me afirmo sobre mis pies, y me hablo, y me dijo: Entra, y encierrate dentro de tu casa. 25- Y tu, oh hijo de hombre, he aqui que pondran sobre ti cuerdas, y con ellas te ligaran, y no saldras entre ellos. 26- Y hare que se pegue tu lengua a tu paladar, y estaras mudo, y noseras a ellos varon que reprende; porque son casa rebelde. 27- Mas cuando yo te hubiere hablado, abrire tu boca, y les diras: Asi ha dicho Jehova el Señor: El que oye, oiga; y el que no quiera oir, no oiga; porque casa rebelde son.

Al principio no entendia lo que el Señor estaba tratando de decirme pero despues de hablar con un anciano de confianza pude entender que todas las piezas que el Señor me estaba dando se estaban juntando. El mensaje que continuaba repitiendo una y otra vez es que: Es tiempo de hacer lo que Dios te ha creado para hacer, si El ha estado hablandote el mismo mensaje a tu vida una y otra vez; entonces ahora es el tiempo de escuchar y trabajar. Es tiempo de ponerse en sincronia con la voluntad de Dios. Te imploro que te organizes, toma un paso de fe y comienzes a trabar en lo que Dios te ha encomendado. Familiaricese y acostumbrese a Su voce porque un tiempo de silencio viene y si no conozes Su voce, seras envuelt@ en el engaño que viene para la iglesia. 

A ti lector, oro para que el Espiritu Santo sea revelado a ti,  que arrepentimiento y conviccion derramen de tu corazon. Que una vez por todas te llenes del gozo del Señor para que florescas a lo que Dios te ha creado para ser. DTB!

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May the Lord continue to bless you/Que El Señor le continue bendiciendo.